Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Rocking Like Rockstars!!!

Last Friday I attended The Rockstar Road Trip Seminar held by our new friends Corey McNabb and Amber Holritz. This seminar was hands down one of the best seminars/workshops I have attended and it didn't cost me an arm and a leg ;) These guys are truly amazing at what they do. Corey has shared some secrets about his packages and marketing strategies, while Amber shared he philosophy on lifestyle baby photography. Now, every time I get to play with my daughter, I have this urge to pick up the phone and book a session with Amber to capture our life as a family. I even got teary eyed during her speech when she showed a photo of a father kissing his daughter's hand. It was that amazing!

Amber - The queen of McBlog in action :)

Once we were done with the boring (just kidding) part, it was time to PARTY Rockstar style!

From right to left: Shyla, Enna, Fed and yours truly rocking it out!

Shyla, :e: ric Laurits, Fed and Amber

I apologize in advance if the next (extremely graphic) image offends you in any way :)